1·The fly population density could be maintained low condition by spraying2.5% synergist ic ddvp.
2·The fly population density could be maintained low condition by spraying 2. 5% synergistic DDVP.
3·House flies had evoluted high resistance to DDVP in Yizheng and Yangzhong. In Yizheng, house flies had evoluted highest resistance to deltamethrin, while in Yangzhong the resistance is low.
4·Results:From low to high degree of resistance, for mosquitoes, the insecticides are deltamethrin, permethrin, DDVP, and for flies are deltamethrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, and DDVP;
家蝇对常用杀虫剂的抗性由低到高依次为溴氰菊酯、 氯氰菊酯、氯菊酯、敌敌畏;
5·Besides, spraying 20% fenvalerate 1: 4000 or 80% DDVP with 1000~2000 dilution to kill the down the larvae, or spraying 60% 666 dust on the bottom of bamboo trunk are effective.
也可以在晴天午后应用20%氰戊菊酯4000倍液或80%敌敌畏1000~2000倍液喷 杀下竹的幼虫,或在竹秆基部撒6%666粉,均能达到良好的防治效果。