1·Duchamp Man Ray Picabias's arts were much appreciated.
2·IT HAS become a trend for big exhibitions to feature more than one artist, so they sound like arty advertising agencies—"Matisse Picasso", "Turner Whistler Monet", "Duchamp Man Ray Picabia".
近来的大型艺术展上,将几位艺术家同台展示已蔚然成风,而画展的名字则好似那些附庸风雅的广告公司一般——“马蒂斯.毕加索”,“特纳.惠斯勒.莫奈”, “杜尚.曼雷.皮卡比阿”。
3·All the modern greats are exhibited here: Matisse, Mondrian, Warhol, Kandinsky, Picasso, Bacon, Cezanne, Monet, Dali, Duchamp, man Ray, Rodin, the Chapman brothers and many many more.
4·But let us understand the original Duchamp art can be done.
5·Duchamp, this most disputed legendary figure in western contemporary art history, has long been taken as a hot research subject by art academic circles.