1·These drugs may also help by increasing the production of normal compounds within the joint such as proteoglycan, hyaluronate, and collagen.
2·The remarkable changes of contact stress of patellofemoral joint, the cartilaginous degeneration, and matrix proteoglycan loss not found in the lateral cartilaginous side of patella.
3·Objective To study the distribution of proteoglycan aggregate in human cervical inter-vertebral discs and its clinical significance.
4·Cytotoxic granules contain perforin and a group of serine proteases called granzymes in a proteoglycan matrix.
5·BACKGROUND: Proteoglycan is the main component of cartilage endplate, which is the biochemical basis in maintaining the biomechanical behavior of cervical intervertebral disc.
1·Objective To study the association of particulate brain proteoglycan (PG) with development and aging of the brain.
2·The understanding for the significances of the biological function of the proteoglycan have been increased rapidly in the past few years.