1·But when asked during a question-and-answer session about gay marriage, Mr Beebe said he did not think the state would ever pass a law like New York's allowing gay marriage.
2·In Beebe, on the other hand, thousands of blackbirds had settled for the night in trees near people's homes.
3·Another unique aspect of the Beebe incident was that noise played a role, said Paul Slota, a spokesperson for the USGS National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisc.
威斯康星州麦迪逊的美国地质勘查局国家野生动物健康中心的发言人Paul Slota说,毕比事件的另一个独特方面在于它与噪音也有关。
4·Beebe for the new season of change wait and see.
5·Beginning at roughly 11:30 p. m. on New Year's Eve Arkansas wildlife officers started hearing reports of birds falling from the sky in a square-mile area of the city of Beebe.