1·Joining forces will allow Kirin and Suntory to save money through joint procurement.
2·Look, they have Budweiser, Beck's, Tsingdao, Tiger, Suntory and even Kirin.
3·No Suntory ads, though.
4·Kirin and Suntory, two of Japan's biggest beer and beverage companies, announced on July 14th that they were talking about a merger.
5·Suntory, a Japanese drinks and distilling company, was poised to make a bid for Orangina Schweppes, a European beverage-maker which used to be owned by Cadbury.
日本饮料和蒸馏酒生产商三得利胸有成竹准备竞购欧洲饮料生产商Orangina Schweppes,而后者曾隶属吉百利旗下。