1·The "obvious" ways to define equals when extending an instantiable class that already overrides equals all fail to meet the symmetry or transitivity requirements of the equals method.
2·The fuzzy transitivity is the core of fuzzy ordering relation, and the basis of fuzzy equal relation.
3·Transitivity implies that it is impossible to face the decision maker with a sequence of pairwise choices in which her preferences appear to cycle.
4·This new composition allows us to easily describe negative transitivity.
1·He argues that grammatical metaphors exist largely in the transitivity system that realizes ideational metafunction and in the mood system and modality system that realize interpersonal metafunction.
2·A noun that is derived from a verb and usually preserves the verb's syntactic features, such as transitivity or the capability of taking nominal or verbal complements.
3·The transitivity analysis, of previous works of news texts, seems to be not fleshed out, therefore needing to be expanded upon.
4·As an important component of Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar, transitivity has its own value in literary studies, but it is rarely used in writing research.
5·These features are mainly about Mood, Modality, Transitivity, Voice, Theme structure and TP patterns etc.