1·The experimental study on Diesel Oxidation Catalyst was also conducted for particulate aftertreatment.
2·The present invention is an aftertreatment system for lean burn internal combustion engines.
3·To reduce the noxious emissions from diesel engines through aftertreatment has been accounted as an important trend in methodological development.
4·The print for furs includes three steps which are plate making, printing and aftertreatment.
5·The synthesis of prochloraz was introduced; the best reaction conditions were confirmed. The lowering of charge rate, solvent recovery and aftertreatment were discussed.
介绍了咪鲜安的合成方法,确定了最佳的反应条件,并给出了实验结果,还对投料比、 溶剂回收、以及后处理等相关问题进行了讨论。