1·METHODS: International classification of functioning, disability and health was analyzed from the aspects of basic characteristics, classification items and applicating fields.
2·This paper introduces the necessity of double beam splitting system applicating in polarization interference phase subdivision and the optimized principle of this beam splitting system.
3·The abrasive subsidiary ratio, paint subsidiary system and applicating method of base coat treatment before painting are specifically introduced.
4·The shallow seismic reflection prospecting have much advantages, therefore it has the wide applicating ranges in the shallow engineering geophysical prospecting.
5·When viewing data in the database applicating system, different users want to use their own point of view to arrange the data, however, the data is always one way to sort in the initial pages.
在 数据库应用系统中查看 数据时,不同的用户希望按照自己的使用角度来排列 数据,但是,在初始打开数据页面的时候,数据总是只能按照一种方式排序。