1·In the colon, microbes synthesise vitamins for us and provide 10% of our calories by breaking down dietary fibre we cannot process.
2·He has managed to synthesise all the RNA components in such a way that, when they are mixed with natural ribosome proteins, they form working ribosomes.
3·"In a thirsty world filled with hydrogen and oxygen," Mr Derman has written, "someone had finally worked out how to synthesise H2O."
4·Another team at MIT, led by Angela Belcher, has found a way to make genetically modified viruses synthesise the cathodes and anodes of lithium-ion batteries at room temperature.
MIT的另一个由Angela Belcher带领的研究小组已经寻找到一种方法——使转基因病毒在室温下合成锂电池的阴阳极。
5·The ability to synthesise huge screeds of DNA at will means the genomes of viruses can be replicated already, and replicating those of bacteria is not far off.