1·The textual and diagrammatic expressions that were used during early efforts to document software architectures were often insufficient and imprecise.
2·Root Locus is a important part of the classical theory of automation that is a diagrammatic method to analyse and design the linear system.
3·The way that metaphorical iconicity is different from imagic iconicity and diagrammatic iconicity lies in that the former is based on metaphor.
4·Each chapter contains diagrammatic or illustrative descriptions of surgical techniques and provides tips and pearls of wisdom to avoid complications when the procedures are performed.
5·In contrast to much of the existing literature, the present approach is at the same time intuitive and mathematically rigorous, making extensive use of suitable diagrammatic methods.
1·A diagrammatic representation of the composition of the IntegrateInt process is shown in Figure 1.
2·Based on pedagogical experience, a scheme of diagrammatic representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
3·Figure1 gives a diagrammatic representation of the steps in analysing a binary statically for the presence of malicious behaviour.