英音[ smɔːl ] 美音[ smɔːl ]






<英,非正式>小件衣服(尤指内衣)(smalls);后腰(the small of the/sb.'s back);<西印度>小费,小额礼金(smalls);小件物品;矮小的人



【名】 (Small)(英)斯莫尔(人名)
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  • 小小
  • 短小
I was delayed by one or two small matters, and then, when I was ready to go, winter arrived and traveling became impossible.
I was sick a month soon, and then, I moved out of that small window of the temporary, to learn how to stand up in the face of their own.
Scientists concluded that such a small ratio was considered good for a woman's health and resulted in high fertility.
As part of her dowry, a woman would make several pairs of shoes as proof of her needlework ability, as well as her small feet.
There was a small release of radioactive steam at Three Mile Island in 1979, and there have also been a few releases at Fukushima Daiichi.
With a very small example such as this one, the index can be close to as big as the example as if there were no duplicated words.
In front of him was a small, blue and white tin bowl, one reminiscent of both camping and cantina.
The bottom line seems to be that after two or three years, hard disk failure in laptops is pretty common, at least based on my small sample.
No, in fact, sexuality is just one very small part of it . . . it's so interesting to see how people latch on to words.
Headsets should be durable, light weight, small, comfortable and the cleaning and maintenance should be easy to manage.
Instead she was holding a small spade and began to dig into the carpet, pushing it away to each side as if making a furrow to sow seeds.
During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.
As he leans over a small desk crammed into a cabin on board a modified 757, he comes across as just another Washington big shot.
Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year.
The heat exchange with the reservoir is good and the temperature difference is only small between the bottom and top of the reservoir.
Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a little bit better than you do it today.
Spring, it baby born, out of the small head of green in the light of the sun, like emerald sparkling, green green, and very good-looking.
Goldfish in the water play in small groups around the moon, Dangqi layers of ripples, as if the moon hide and seek in and water.
In the past, it was suggested that you make a small partition at the beginning of the disk, to be left unformatted.
1·The tent packs away in a small bag.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·A small boy tumbled off the porch.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3·He showed her to a small cabin.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
4·The fruit are small and round.
—— 《牛津词典》
5·He flew a small plane to Cuba.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
1·At first his jealousy only showed in small ways – he didn't mind me talking to other guys.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people.
—— 《新英汉大辞典》
3·This implies that there is really no difference in principle between a small change in the stock market today and catastrophic change tomorrow.
4·All over its slopes there are small shrines where they place offerings to the mountain from whatever they have taken from the jungle.
5·At the moment, this process costs more than ten times as much as conventional mining, but some countries might regard that as a small price to pay for security of supply.
1·The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3·They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
4·The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
5·He would not accept this office for such a small salary.
1·Idea 1: Write a small but romantic love letter (about 5 lines in length or less).
2·Small - A good story should be small in effort, typically representing no more than 2-3 person weeks of effort.
短小- 一个好的故事应该在工作量上短小,描述具有代表性,而且不超过2-3人周的工作量。
3·With "second time motivation" interval as the soul of music, a small theme runs through the work, which contributes to constituting a harmonious whole piece.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... big adj. 广大的;重大的 small adj. 小的;小号的 short adj. 短的;矮的 ...


仁爱英语七年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... have 有;吃,喝 small 小的;少的 nose 鼻子 ...


小型(SMALL)的扬声器不能产生沉重低音信号(比如:100HZ以下的信号)卫星扬声器就是这种型号.没有(NONE)说明没有连接扬声 …


尺寸换算 - feodora80的日志 - 网易博客 ... 加小号 长 EXTRA SMALL LONG 小号 SMALL 小号 短 SMALL SHORT ...


淼_百度百科 ... 遥远;邈远;渺茫[ remote;vague] 微小;藐小[ small;insignificant] 同本义[ (of an expanse of water)vast] ...


网页代码中是什么意思?_百度知道 ... 使用原有排列 <SMALL> 显示小字体 文字加横线 ... 细小 字典中 靖 字的解释 ... (6) 善[ good] (7) 细小[ small] (9) 谦卑恭敬的样子[ respectful] ... 例句: 1 I was delayed by one or two small matters, and then, when I was ready to go, winter arrived and traveling became impossible. 我被一两件小事拖着,然后,当我准备好要走的时候,冬天来了,这令旅行变成了一件不可能的事。 2 Allen Ezail Iverson, bron in 1975, was one of the top scores in the National Basketball Association(NBA) despite his relatively small size. 阿伦·埃泽尔·艾弗森,出生于1975年,是国际篮球协会(NBA)里的一位头等得分手,尽管相对来说他身材比较矮小。 3 I was sick a month soon, and then, I moved out of that small window of the temporary, to learn how to stand up in the face of their own. 我病了快一个月,然后,我也搬出了那个临时的小窗,学着如何在站起来,如何在面对自己。 4 They will be on fourth street again with you, in two small stakes and was not one to let you draw more expensive. 他们会在第四道街上再次加注你,用两个小赌注而不是一个让你的抽牌变得更加昂贵。 5 This device has the features of easy to operate, low cost and small error. Measurements show that the device is stable and practicable. 该装置具有使用方便、成本低、误差小等特点,经实际测量验证,工作稳定可靠,具有较好的实用价值。 6 Scientists concluded that such a small ratio was considered good for a woman's health and resulted in high fertility. 科学家总结认为这样的比例对女性健康和生育有利。 7 As part of her dowry, a woman would make several pairs of shoes as proof of her needlework ability, as well as her small feet. 作为嫁妆的一部分,一个女人会做几双鞋证明她的女红手艺跟小脚一样优秀。 8 There was a small release of radioactive steam at Three Mile Island in 1979, and there have also been a few releases at Fukushima Daiichi. 1979年三里岛核电站事故中便是有少量带放射性同位素的蒸汽泄露。 9 With a very small example such as this one, the index can be close to as big as the example as if there were no duplicated words. 使用像本例这样非常小的示例,如果没有重复的单词,则索引的大小会十分接近示例的大小。 10 Foreigners in Germany, there have been a small upsurge in house, most of the type of real estate investment business. 外国人在德国已经出现了一个买房小高潮,大多数是投资商务型房产。 11 She had sought to be definite in analyzing the surface ugliness of the small town. 她竭力要弄清楚,这个小镇的外貌为什么会这样丑陋不堪。 12 In front of him was a small, blue and white tin bowl, one reminiscent of both camping and cantina. 他的面前有一只让人觉着又像野营用的、又像酒馆里的蓝白色的小锡铁皮碗。 13 The bottom line seems to be that after two or three years, hard disk failure in laptops is pretty common, at least based on my small sample. 似乎结论是笔记本硬盘在两或三年后,出问题是相当常见的,至少根据我的例子来看是这样。 14 The size of the calamity raises the question of whether small countries can really afford bank bailouts. 这场灾难的规模如此之大,令人不禁要问,一些小国真的负担得起救助银行的成本吗? 15 No, in fact, sexuality is just one very small part of it . . . it's so interesting to see how people latch on to words. 不,事实上,性只是其中很小的一部分……看到大家如此死扣字面意义真是很有意思。 16 Headsets should be durable, light weight, small, comfortable and the cleaning and maintenance should be easy to manage. 耳麦套件必须结实耐用,轻便,小巧,舒适,易于清洁、养护和管理。 17 This algorithm has the advantages of fast convergence speed, small number of convergence and easy to get premature convergence. 该算法具有收敛速度快、迭代次数少且不易陷入不成熟收敛等优点。 18 Instead she was holding a small spade and began to dig into the carpet, pushing it away to each side as if making a furrow to sow seeds. 而是她握着一个小铲子,开始在地毯上挖掘,把它推到两侧,好像犁出一道沟缝去播种。 19 During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces. 二战期间,法国人把这幅画藏在小城镇里,以免落入德国军队之手。 20 Those who ate two or more eggs a day showed a still higher death risk, but only small number of women fell into that category. 那些每天吃两个或多个鸡蛋的人显示了一种更高的死亡风险,但是仅小部分的妇女归入了那个类别。 21 We followed her eyes and discovered a small hole in the table cloth. 我们跟着她的眼睛,发现了一个小洞在台布。 22 As he leans over a small desk crammed into a cabin on board a modified 757, he comes across as just another Washington big shot. 在一架改进过的757飞机上,当他趴在塞进机舱的一张小办公桌时,他看上去似乎是又一个华盛顿大腕。 23 Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year. 只有每周都减少那些不必要的花销,到年末你会节省相当可观的一笔钱。 24 The heat exchange with the reservoir is good and the temperature difference is only small between the bottom and top of the reservoir. 热储内部的热交换良好,热储顶部和底部的温度差极小。 25 Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a little bit better than you do it today. 从一些不是很重要的事情开始,但是有可能能帮你在做事情时一点点地进步。 26 Spring, it baby born, out of the small head of green in the light of the sun, like emerald sparkling, green green, and very good-looking. 春天,它像刚生出来的小宝宝,探出了绿色的小脑袋,在阳光的照耀下,就像闪闪发光的绿宝石,嫩绿嫩绿的,十分好看。 27 A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines. 一位德国士兵手持一棵小树,树上整齐地排列着点燃的蜡烛,他越过边界走向英国阵地。 28 This means that although your peripheral vision might be wide, only a small part of that vista is in sharp focus. 这意味着尽管你的周边视觉可能很广,但只有一小部分远景在精确聚焦内。 29 Goldfish in the water play in small groups around the moon, Dangqi layers of ripples, as if the moon hide and seek in and water. 水中的金鱼在三五成群地围着月亮嬉戏,荡起一层层波纹,仿佛是在和水中的月亮捉迷藏。 30 In the past, it was suggested that you make a small partition at the beginning of the disk, to be left unformatted. 以前的方法建议您在磁盘的开始处分出一个较小并且不格式化的分区。 大家在看 精益管理培训 阅读 延迟满足 阅读 百燕之家 精益生产培训 大学 scoops bucking 企业管理培训 精益生产培训 香烟价格查询 领导力 醒目造句 沙盘模拟企业经营 楚歌云 初中 升学率 大学 binance交易所app下载 热词推荐 大家在看 LGBT cum 异性恋 形吊灯 拓扑 man , . japan Japanese Fuck nice play Facebook H root baby over you present Copyright © 2019-2024 . All Rights Reserved. 版权所有 粤ICP备19084198号 $(".jieshi .info-a-tab a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".info-a").find(".info-a-content .iac-item").eq(index).show().siblings().hide(); }) $(".jieshi2 .info-a-tab a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".info-a").find(".info-b-content .ibc-item").eq(index).show().siblings(".ibc-item").hide(); }) $(".jieshi2 .info-a-tab a").eq(0).trigger("click"); $(".jieshi .info-a-tab a").eq(0).trigger("click"); $(".jieshi2 .ibc-item .info-b-left a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".ibc-item").find(".info-b-right .ibrc").eq(index).show().siblings().hide(); })


字典中 靖 字的解释 ... (6) 善[ good] (7) 细小[ small] (9) 谦卑恭敬的样子[ respectful] ...
small size
small size - 小号,小码;小尺寸
small town
small town - 小城镇,集镇
small amount
small amount - 小额;小批量
small number
small number - n. 小数;少数交易
small scale
small scale - 小规模;小比例尺
small business
small business - 小型企业,小本生意
同根词 (词根small)
smallish adj 短小的;有点小的
smallness n 小;贫乏;小气
更新时间:2025-03-29 17:49