1·If two or more containers are manifolded, the vent valves should also be connected together to ensure pressure equilibration between all the containers.
2·If the variation is acceptable and you would like a shorter total cycle time, then reduce the equilibration time, perhaps to 10 min, and repeat the experiment.
3·The paper described the theory of static headspace gas chromatography, including multiple phase equilibration method, various gas-liquid phase ratio method and standard adding method.
4·It is shown that, the method of truncated Spectral model clealy exhibits great excellence for establishment of the multiple equilibration phenomenon in the atmosphere.
看出,截谱模式方法的最大成功之处在于揭示了大气中多重平衡现象。 利用此法可将模式方程转化为耦合常微分方程组。
5·The capillary pressure versus saturation relationship appears to be linear on the dual logarithmic coordinate diagram. However, the equilibration time has been decreased greatly.