1·To the left was a long expanse of black marble floor and six white marble basins on nickel pedestals.
2·And other companies are using various incarnations of mirrors or lenses on pedestals, dishes, troughs or carousels to magnify solar energy on tiny, highly efficient photovoltaic cells.
3·Now try rotating the red circle helper again. You will see the pedestals rotating correct. So that's all the linking we need to do for now.
4·Both models had specially-designed pedestals which could be adjusted to the correct listening height and Angle.
5·To our regret, the stone tablets in the royal mausoleum of the West Xia kingdom were damaged, leaving but some pedestals and innumerous fragments.
遗憾的是, 羓在西夏王陵, 除了保留下来的一些基座, 上面的石碑都已不见踪影。