




[计][图情]标题;上端;[矿业]平巷;页眉(heading 的复数)
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Solution: Make your page easy to read by breaking the text into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, use sub-headings and bullet points.
Be kind to your reader--use headings and bullets as necessary to make the memo easy to read and key points stand out.
Look particularly at the general title of an article and its section headings if it has any.
How the main content of the briefing is structured obviously depends on the subject, but a general hint is to use plenty of headings.
To be honest, the best way is to give yourself headings that feel right for you and start writing.
The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book.
Side head: Words in the form of headings. But run on at the commencement of a paragraph; they are usually followed by a one-em rule.
Always bare in mind the topic of that page and ensure that the page title, paragraph headings and text relate to that topic.
However, you can change the column headings to any headings that you want by editing the column header cells.
A good document has headings and subheadings, because headings make it easier to determine the topic of a page.
In a box in the bottom half of the task pane , the column headings from your data file are listed .
Help page which is just a long document with linkable headings at the top that links to text and links further down the page.
Of course, some things can be said, and have been said by commentators, under each of these headings.
The headings are for ease of reference only and are not to be utilized in construing or interpreting this Agreement .
Sometimes I outline in more detail, and sometimes I just jot down a few sub-headings that will guide me through it all.
1·The chapter headings are useful signposts to the content of the book.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·Draw two more lines, add two more circles and write the two new headings inside them.
3·Make it a practice to preview attentively the titles, captions, headings, and other material connected with graphics.
4·Headings should be in upper case.
—— 《牛津词典》
5·I only left in section headings, but you can see how DCMI terms can usefully annotate each section element as specific to that subdocument.


B: 标题headings)标题标签为你的访问者指明了哪些是网站中比较重要的内容。在“标题”标签中能出现关键字对于提高你网 …


雅思14种题型详细介绍 - IELTS... ... 11. Others〈 其它类型〉 1. Headings找小标题〉 2. Summary〈 摘要填空〉 ...


冶金词汇英语翻译(H-N) ... heading wire 顶锻用线 headings 精矿 heap leaching 堆积浸出 ...


HTML初学者指南(上) -- HTML知识 -- 96PC.COM ... 术语 WWW 标题字体 Headings 段落 Paragraphs ...


...反映文献, 每一条款目与收藏的文献实体相对应  标目 (headings) 著录标目, 通过它排列和检索特定款目而确立的 一种识别 …


HTML 标签 ... 单元格间距( Cell spacing) 表格中的标题( Headings) 单元格填充( Cell padding) ... 标题配对题 ...mary)、简答题 (Short Answer)、标题配对题(Headings)、其他配对题(Matching)和多项选择题(Multiple Choice)的前三种题型 … 例句: 1 From these figures he would wish to be able to analyse the figures under broad headings of profitability, solvency and performance. 从这些身材,他会想要能够分析在收益性、偿付能力和表现的宽广标题下面的身材。 2 Solution: Make your page easy to read by breaking the text into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, use sub-headings and bullet points. 方法:可以把文章分成几小部分,还可以利用副标题和点式列表,这样方便用户浏览。 3 Be kind to your reader--use headings and bullets as necessary to make the memo easy to read and key points stand out. “善待”读者-必要的时候使用标题和着重号,从而使看备忘录的人更容易阅读,且意思也会清晰可见。 4 Look particularly at the general title of an article and its section headings if it has any. 要特别注意文章的题目和各章节的小标题(如果有的话)。 5 If, in the preceding period, no publications are located relevant to any one of these headings, that section will be omitted. 如果在上述期间,没有任何出版物的有关上述任何一个标题,这部分将予以删除。 6 How the main content of the briefing is structured obviously depends on the subject, but a general hint is to use plenty of headings. 简报主要内容的建构很明显要依赖您的主题而定,不过这里一个一般性的提示是使用许多标题。 7 To be honest, the best way is to give yourself headings that feel right for you and start writing. 要做到诚实,最好的方法就是给自己找到合适的标题,然后就开始写吧。 8 The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book. 正文与题目和解释性文字或封面与封底相区别的印刷著作主体 9 Side head: Words in the form of headings. But run on at the commencement of a paragraph; they are usually followed by a one-em rule. 边标题:标题字词,排于每段开始之前,用一长划(破折号)隔开后,内文接续排下支的方式。 10 Always bare in mind the topic of that page and ensure that the page title, paragraph headings and text relate to that topic. 要清楚页面的主题是什么,并且确保页面标题,段落标题,和文本本身都切合主题。 11 However, you can change the column headings to any headings that you want by editing the column header cells. 但是,您可以编辑列标题单元格,以便将列标题更改为所需的任何标题。 12 Column headings can be included, html tables can be formatted, and columns can be padded left or right to a set width with any character. 列标题可以包括,HTML表格也可进行格式化,和栏目,可以垫的左边或右边一组宽度与任何字符。 13 A good document has headings and subheadings, because headings make it easier to determine the topic of a page. 一个好的文档应该有主标题和副标题,因为它们可以更容易帮助确定一篇文章的主题。 14 The headings used in the Agreement are for convenient reference only and are not to be used in interpreting the provisions of the Agreement. 本协议标题仅为方便参考而使用,不能被用于解释本协议条款。 15 In a topic that begins with , any other or headings create sections, but is not allowed. 在以开始的主题中,其他所有或标题都要创建节,但不行。 16 Headings in this Agreement are inserted for reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any term in this Agreement. “本协议”之标题仅为参考之用,不影响“本协议”任何条款的涵义或解释。 17 Adding a table row or moving the headings to the top should be simple to do without messing up a carefully tweaked layout or color schema. 添加表格行或把标题移动到顶部,做起来会很简单,不会弄乱精心调整的布局或颜色方案。 18 All headings are indicative and do not form part of these conditions. 所有标题均属说明性质,并不构成本合同条款的一部分。 19 In a box in the bottom half of the task pane , the column headings from your data file are listed . 在任务窗格下半部的框中,列出了您的数据文件中的列标题。 20 The only problem was the repetitive questions that serve as section headings. 唯一的问题是作为每部分标题的重复性疑问。 21 Help page which is just a long document with linkable headings at the top that links to text and links further down the page. 帮助页,仅仅是一个可链接的标题在顶部长文件到文本和链接的网页链接进一步下跌。 22 Clear this check box if you want saved or copied result data to have only the data and not the column headings. 如果希望保存或复制的结果数据只有数据而没有列标题,请清除此复选框。 23 Of course, some things can be said, and have been said by commentators, under each of these headings. 当然,下列这些问题或许能说明些什么,而且评论家们也曾提到过这些问题。 24 headings indicating at least the major sections of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under the proper headings. 应该使用标题,至少标明报告的主要部分,而所有资料都应当在恰当的标题下陈述。 25 Begin by making a list of subject-headings under which you might expect the subject to be listed. 首先,根据你计划中要列出来的主题,做出一张分类类目清单。 26 Mr Wong also quickly find the Nestle coffee advertising space, he read it aloud to the main headings: : "Joy to the last drop. " 这次黄先生又很快找到雀巢咖啡的广告版面,他大声的念出它的主标题::“欢乐到最后一滴”。 27 The headings are for ease of reference only and are not to be utilized in construing or interpreting this Agreement . 本合约中的标题仅为了理解上的方便,不得被用来理解或解释本合约。 28 Headings used in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not be used to construe meaning or intent. 此协议中所使用的标题只是为了方便提供而已并不用于理解任何意思或意向。 29 Those were cross cutting issues in the discussions, which may have to be placed under different headings. 这些都是讨论中的交叉问题,可能需要放在不同的标题下。 30 Sometimes I outline in more detail, and sometimes I just jot down a few sub-headings that will guide me through it all. 有时我会记录一些细节,有时我只是草草记下一些能够引导我贯穿全文的小标题。 大家在看 精益管理培训 阅读 延迟满足 阅读 百燕之家 精益生产培训 大学 scoops bucking 企业管理培训 精益生产培训 香烟价格查询 领导力 醒目造句 沙盘模拟企业经营 楚歌云 初中 升学率 大学 binance交易所app下载 热词推荐 大家在看 LGBT cum 异性恋 形吊灯 拓扑 man , . japan Japanese Fuck nice play Facebook H root baby over you present Copyright © 2019-2024 . All Rights Reserved. wok123.com 版权所有 粤ICP备19084198号 $(".jieshi .info-a-tab a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".info-a").find(".info-a-content .iac-item").eq(index).show().siblings().hide(); }) $(".jieshi2 .info-a-tab a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".info-a").find(".info-b-content .ibc-item").eq(index).show().siblings(".ibc-item").hide(); }) $(".jieshi2 .info-a-tab a").eq(0).trigger("click"); $(".jieshi .info-a-tab a").eq(0).trigger("click"); $(".jieshi2 .ibc-item .info-b-left a").on("click",function(){ $(this).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); var index=$(this).index(); $(this).parents(".ibc-item").find(".info-b-right .ibrc").eq(index).show().siblings().hide(); })


...mary)、简答题 (Short Answer)、标题配对题(Headings)、其他配对题(Matching)和多项选择题(Multiple Choice)的前三种题型 …
cold heading
cold heading - 冷镦;冷作头
heading stage
heading stage - 抽穗期;出穗期
heading up
heading up - 抬高水位
heading machine
heading machine - 掘进机;顶镦机;螺丝打头机;封头机
subject heading
subject heading - 主题标目
magnetic heading
magnetic heading - [航海]磁艏向

中考 考频:近四年出现1次

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更新时间:2025-03-09 09:32