1·Just as it's challenging to smoke while knitting, when hands are holding needles and hooks, there's less snacking and mindless eating out of boredom.
2·The first wrongly assumes that the pterosaurs' hind feet resembled a bat's and could serve as hooks by which the animal could hang in preparation for flight.
3·Some individuals would therefore not have been caught, since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them, leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past.
5·Trace hooks can be applied at the entry or exit of any function.
1·These hooks mostly deal with start events.
2·Unfortunately, no hooks have yet been provided for making use of this flexibility at the user level.
3·Defining hooks for standard events.
4·The post-startup and pre-shutdown hooks are blank by default.
5·The generic pattern behavior is defined (the template), with domain-specific behavior and state provided by domain classes (which provide the hooks).
1·The legs, which are slightly curved with tiny hooks on the tips of their feet to provide enough friction to enable movement in a slippery environment.
2·It's like a little mace with little spikes and hooks and it fits into their forehead.
3·Intel already builds a number of security hooks into its chips.
4·Anyway, cells on the go use a point-to-point adhesion system, which functions like tiny hooks, to grab the materials that make up the extracellular matrix.
5·The hunters have their sharp hooks and blunt clubs, often combined into a single sinister-looking instrument of Norwegian design known as a hakapik.
1·Sustained by the pride of his calling, the only pride he has left, a broken old fisherman ventures far out into the Gulf Stream and there hooks the biggest marlin ever seen in those waters.