1·Not much of a game, perhaps, but it provides a good measure of the first player's sense of fairness, since he has the power to be as unfair as he likes.
2·The last way stuff gets in, though nobody likes talking about it, is that people can be bribed.
3·Nobody likes paying interest on a credit card, or having to go without something that seems essential.
4·Who likes paying taxes?
5·No person likes living in fear because his or her ideas are different.
1·I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data-obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.
2·I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data - obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.