1·The outer ear includes the ear lobe and external auditory canal, which funnels sound waves toward the eardrum (or tympanic membrane) allowing it to vibrate.
2·Objective to discuss the accurate diagnosis and the best restoration methods of the traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane.
3·Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane and recovery of hearing level were investigated after the operation.
4·Objective To investigate the efficacies of external sticking with HeaL mouth rehabilitation membrane in traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane.
5·Conclusion: The stimulant method for myringoplasty may promote regeneration and healing of tympanic membrane by mechanical stimulation.
1·The lesser petrosal nerve comes from the tympanic plexus running between cochlear window and vestibular window, over recess of tensor sympani muscle and toward otogaglion .
2·Objective:To explore the relation of tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube and Eustachian tube dysfunction in chronic otitis media.
3·Objective To provide anatomical data of cervical tympanic nerves for the resection of tympanic nerves.
4·Only general description of autonomic nerves in swine head was found in literatures at home and from abroad, and a description of swine tympanic plexus in detail had not been found.
5·Objective To investigate the efficacy of tympanic administration through eustachian tube in treating middle ear adhesion.