1·Bernhardt possessed an iron will, particularly after the birth of her son, and used her thin, pale beauty and her wits to succeed.
2·There was a time when fishermen were seen as the last hunter-gatherers-pitting their wits against the elements by pursuing their quarry on the last frontier on Earth. Those days are gone.
3·DOMESTICATION seems to make animals dumb. Without the need to forage, domestic creatures have gradually lost some of the wits displayed by their wild Cousins.
4·With food low and kit breaking, we had to increasingly live off our wits to survive. It became the part of the expedition that was the most memorable.
5·"It's a game of wits and will," Mr. Bandurski said, noting that veteran journalists such as Mr. Wang are adept at finding ways to keep reporting, often by hopping from newspaper to newspaper.
1·I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation, but these were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune, and I was content with the prospect.