1·Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task.
2·For many years it was assumed that lateralisation was a uniquely human trait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of lateralisation in all sorts of animals.
3·He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
—— 《牛津词典》
4·Often uncovering these rules is a complex process.
5·Now we are uncovering the biological evidence.
6·The MPI also does a better job of uncovering long-term trends.
7·The data was analyzed uncovering surprising data that every parent needs to know.
8·Social sleuth: Danah Boyd is uncovering the unexpected effects of networking sites.
9·The word "discovery" literally means, uncovering something that's hidden from view.
10·We’re uncovering an entire ecosystem filled with new species no one has seen before.
1·For many years it was assumed that lateralisation was a uniquely human trait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of lateralisation in all sorts of animals.
2·In the process, they are uncovering new roles for the cardiovascular system, including ones that go beyond supplying the brain with plenty of oxygen-rich blood.
3·Up to 114 feet long, the dinosaur could represent a new species, although the team uncovering it is wary of jumping to conclusions — but its size alone is enough to put Riodeva firmly on the map.
4·The findings may offer a new approach to uncovering a treatment for cancers such as breast, lung, prostrate and ovarian cancer, the scientists said.
5·Often uncovering these rules is a complex process.
1·Archaeology received a gift from nature in 1850, when a strong storm hit the Orkney Islands, stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the Skara Brae settlement.
2·As Libya's opposition fighters push west, doctors are uncovering more victims from the front line.
3·Be aware of potential consequencesof uncovering private, personal informationoutside therapyand be wary of potential inaccuracy of Internet data.
4·And for people enraged by the impunity of the well-connected, there was satisfaction this week at the uncovering of a huge match-fixing scam in Greek football.
5·In such moments, we put our focus and intent towards uncovering the past along with reading the unconscious and assist Earth to the best of our abilities.