1·Walking through the sweet little fishing town, charmingly dotted with bright red and blue peaked-roof cottages, I had to keep reminding myself that I'd traveled nearly to the world's roof.
2·Swaledale, in Yorkshire, with its moorland streams and fields dotted with stone barns, also Shared fifth place.
3·As for the rest of the Dagestanis, they are left with potholed roads, derelict farms and factories, a polluted sea and a grim landscape dotted with houses half-built or half-ruined.
4·Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.
5·In parts it was still green, and dotted with antelopes and warthog, but as our journey progressed, it became drier and hotter, and the nature of the occasional stops changed, too.
1·Spokesman Chris Lom says there are 450 makeshift camps dotted around the country.
2·Security at the party was stifling, as it was throughout much of Baghdad where increased checkpoints dotted the streets and identity checks were methodical.