1·Zumberge said a conventional seismometer records how its mass is displaced by these waves of seismic energy with electric circuit boards.
2·We've come up with a way, using optical fibers, to bring laser light to and from the seismometer, to make very precise measurements of the vibrations of the mass in our seismometer.
3·At present, three kinds of seismographs are used at Chinese seismic stations. They are the direct-coupled seismometer, the galvanometric seismograph, and the electronic seismograph.
4·The model JD-2F bore-hole seismometer has been successfully developed on the basis of the model JD-2 deep well seismometer after improving technology and introducing electronic feedback technology.
JD - 2f型井下地震计是在JD - 2型深井地震仪的基础上,经过进一步的技术改进并引入电子反馈技术而研制成功的。
5·The ground motion at each seismometer is amplified and recorded electronically at a central recording site.
1·Some fundamental problems in accurate measurement of seismometer transfer function are studied in detail.
2·A low cost and effective calibration method for the broadband feedback seismometer is described, and the results of practical calibration and data processing method are given in this paper.