1·If you can, carry your work with you and sit down wherever you like. Then write. Write for an hour. Write for a minute. Just write.
2·We have had AJWS placements in South Africa, West Africa, India, and South America, and are looking forward to the next one, wherever that may be.
3·now you have your movable bench, to sit wherever you like.
4·No matter where (wherever) you go, you can't escape from yourself.
5·However, there has been backlash among many students against the rules that they say limit their freedom of choice to live wherever and with whomever they want.
1·In any case, wherever your nose leads you, you want to collect data to verify or dispute your theory.
2·Soccer has players so popular that they are mobbed by fans wherever they appear, especially in Europe and South America.
3·Wherever we looked, we saw evidence of destruction.
4·Wherever I went, people praised the health response to the disaster and particularly thanked WHO.
5·He moves through Texas like a tornado — wreaking havoc wherever he goes, but occasionally whimsically sparing a person.
1·Two people in love are at home wherever they are, no matter how often they move.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·The right conclusion, in other words, is that it is wisest not to look for a single-country model at all, but just to take best practice wherever you find it.
3·Bill pay and insurance ID cards-geico customers can pay their insurance bills wherever they are, and access their current insurance ID CARDS. (See Figure 2.)
5·I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together.
1·The girl is always so charming wherever she is.
2·When you really, really love someone it, wherever you go, you see are his shadow.
3·I think of you, wherever I am.
4·Ruby will have a positive influence wherever it appears in a reading (if you are into reading), and will positively affect the stones that are close by.
5·Wherever you go, there you are.
1·God expects you to do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. Less-than-perfect service is always better than the best intention.
2·And consumers, wherever they are, will gain from the contest.
3·Wherever we turn in the storm of roses.
4·So we think their classroom is wider, not only in school. Wherever they are they can learn.
5·Wherever you see Bill, you can be sure to see his side-kick Jack.
1·They're too readily available — whenever and wherever.
2·Whenever, wherever, as long as have me at, you won't be lonely, my dear, I wish you embrace the valentine day is joyful!
无论何时无论何地,只要有我在,你就不会孤单,亲爱的,祝你拥抱情人节快乐! !
1·Engagement Breakoff - Yeah it's heartless, but remember the Runaway Bride and all the trouble she caused in Atlanta or wherever?