4·The mass of felt made by stacking fabric via a simple and primitive act provides the heaviness like concrete mass.
5·When deciding how to furnish the space, the architects devised a method of stacking thin layers of grey felt to create stools, benches and table legs.
1·Using galvanised clout nails with large heads, start to nail the first layer of felt onto the decking.
2·A custom irrigation system keeps the felt moist with a fertilizer solution modeled after the rainwater that trickles through forest canopies.
3·Cut out a few leaf shapes from green felt and hot glue a small length of the stem wire to the back of each.
4·"Stacking this felt fabric reinforces its natural flexibility and satisfies simultaneously the function of a substantial furniture," said the studio.
5·Being different from the heaviness of the stacking felt, the floating fabric provides sensitive movements in response to behaviours of visitors and micro airflow.
1·I dropped to my knees and felt its neck for a sign of life.
2·I felt the earth beneath my feet.
3·The second grasped one of the elephant's tusks and felt it.
4·She often felt the faces of close friends when she was talking to them to discover their feelings.
5·Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God?
1·In this example, the first layer of tar felt is nailed to the boardIng and the subsequent layers are bonded to each other In hot tar.
2·FIG. 9 illustrates a simple flat roof, consisting of timber bearers covered with timber boarding and finished with several layers of tar felt.
3·Waterproof coiled materials of SBS are a flexible felt of polyester fibre as casing, SBS modified asphalt as coating and polyethylene film as antiseizing separation layer.
4·Many units solve the old construction leakage means are use patching materials and so on asphalt felt, SBS modifying asphalt flexible linoleum, neoprene to infiltrate the leak to carry on patching.