2·He strides down the hall and halts when he hears the muffled sounds of screaming.
3·On Saturday night in Beijing, the tall one-meter, 96-centimeter Bolt used his long, quick strides to cover 100 meters in a jaw-dropping 9.96 seconds.
4·As we make strides in early identification, it's reassuring to know that we also now have effective interventions that are appropriate for children at risk for ASD as young as 12 months of age.
5·For instance, I heard about one guy who gets into the movies this way: he strides in, holds his glasses aloft, and announces, "I found them in the car!"
1·The team compared their walks too — measuring their strides, the way they walked, stride durations and the proportion of each stride spent in contact with the ground.
2·The bottom of his trousers swayed heavily with his strides as they collected the dew from the dense grass and brush.
3·We decided against pushing the shorter strides harder at this point because we don't have good injury results yet.
4·I may be doing most things that might seem not practical or too teensy weensy... I leave it to the reader to measure their own strides.
5·The horse's strides are shorter than at the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.