


abbr. 开环(Open Loop)
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I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter.
As the OL in one, I am deeply impressed by a woman sitting in the office is very easy to fat.
His book is a brilliant account of what happened and full of villains, heroes, fools and plenty of good ol' fashioned greed.
Bill looked over the counter disapprovingly. "Gonna have to pull the ol' mop out tonight, I guess, " he said.
Facial recognition software may be nothing new but did you know you can use your regular ol' webcam to log in to your Ubuntu desktop?
A little skinny . . . for my taste, but like my ol' dady used to say; the closer the bone, the sweeter the meat.
You're bound to have worked up an appetite by now. Where would you go if you had a hankering for some good ol' Texas barbecue?
Cyclopenta(cyclohexane)pyridin-ol was an important chiral intermediate and widely used in organic synthesis.
October came quickly and I wrote How's the ol' Team Doing and defended the Age of Frameworks.
But Cambria has some weird rendering problems in Firefox on Macs at certain sizes, so we'll stick with good ol' Georgia for the moment.
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my contr ol.
Or the fact that this ol' body of mine has given birth to two healthy children?
If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen his ol d friend.
Second, the NEW_OL _LOCAL table function, as you will see later, actually writes to a table.
At the core of a DITA task is a series of steps, which can be generalized back to the ordered list class, ol. class.
Ol' Moira and most of his crew didn't survive their final voyage, but luckily for me the ship's manifest did.
If those sites are all SaaS applications, then what's the difference between a SaaS application and a plain ol' web site (old school)?
Yes, that's right. The good 'ol book, in paper form, is still one of the greatest gifts there is.
Results of zeta potential and FTIR measurements show that OL-4 is adsorbed on the surface of calamine principally by chemical reaction.
Look at him hangin' on to his ol' lady.
Also note that, again, the INCLUDE clause has been used, this time to pass the OL_DIST_INFO column up.
If ye be readin'this, it means that Ol' Captain Sanders is in a watery grave. So my treasure is yours now, ye jest need to follow the clues.
Mr Barbour is a good ol' boy with a fluent southern charm; Mr Daniels glides through Indiana on a Harley.
First, the NEW_OL _LOCAL table function really returns only one row at a time.

粉领族(Office Lady)



  有序列表(<ol>)非常方便,因为它可以省去你手工添加递增数字的麻烦,而且它允许你不用更改数字就能改变列表的序列。  CS…


< 前一篇办公室女郎(OL)制服/高跟鞋/丝袜后一篇 >我老婆洗完澡穿上丝袜和高跟鞋在床上等我 博客等级: 博客积分:107 博客 …


洛基英语学习笔记3_恐怖巧克力_新浪博客 ... job 工作 OL 白领 he often comes here 他经常来这 ...

有机化学方面的专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... oic 酸的 - ol - ortho- 邻,正,原 - ...


网页代码中是什么意思?_百度知道 ... 条列文字卷标 OL> 有序号的列表 显示人名 ... 例句: 1 I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter. 我当然不认为自己可以攒到足够的里程换返还金了,因为我可能一年才坐上一次飞机。 2 As the OL in one, I am deeply impressed by a woman sitting in the office is very easy to fat. 身为OL中的一员,我深切感受到坐在办公室里的女人是非常容易胖的。 3 His book is a brilliant account of what happened and full of villains, heroes, fools and plenty of good ol' fashioned greed. 此书生动地记述了所发生的一切,其中不乏险恶之徒,英雄,笨蛋以及对于人类贪婪的详细描述。 4 Bill looked over the counter disapprovingly. "Gonna have to pull the ol' mop out tonight, I guess, " he said. 比尔看着柜台露出不悦的神色,他说:“我想今晚要把那个旧拖把拖出去。” 5 OL exclusive: you travel with a South Korean cosmetics Myeong-dong Street, to see what interesting things there right. OL独家:带你游韩国明洞化妆品一条街,看看那里有哪些有趣的东西吧。 6 Facial recognition software may be nothing new but did you know you can use your regular ol' webcam to log in to your Ubuntu desktop? 部识别软件可能不是什么新东西,但你知不知道可以用普通摄像头登录到你的Ubuntu桌面呢? 7 A little skinny . . . for my taste, but like my ol' dady used to say; the closer the bone, the sweeter the meat. 就我的眼光来看……瘦了点,不过我老爹常说:愈不长肉愈俊俏。 8 You're bound to have worked up an appetite by now. Where would you go if you had a hankering for some good ol' Texas barbecue? 你的饮食也是受到限制的。如果你非常渴望一些不错的德州烧烤时,你会去哪? 9 Even after more than a decade of writing about spreadsheets, we continue to see stunning new uses for the ol'grid. 即使是在开始编写电子表格的十多年后的今天,我们仍可以看到ol网格的绝妙新用途。 10 Cyclopenta(cyclohexane)pyridin-ol was an important chiral intermediate and widely used in organic synthesis. 环戊(己)烯并吡啶醇是一种重要的手性中间体,其应用前景广阔。 11 October came quickly and I wrote How's the ol' Team Doing and defended the Age of Frameworks. 十月来的好快,我写了《ol团队如何运作》和《defendedtheAgeofFrameworks》。 12 But Cambria has some weird rendering problems in Firefox on Macs at certain sizes, so we'll stick with good ol' Georgia for the moment. 但是在苹果上火狐浏览器特定尺寸下Cambria存在一些奇怪的渲染问题,因此我们现在还是用表现稳定的Georgia字体。 13 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my contr ol. 遇见你是命运,成为朋友是选择,爱上你是情不自禁。 14 Or the fact that this ol' body of mine has given birth to two healthy children? 抑或是为什么我的身体能够毫不费力地生出两个健康的孩子来? 15 Nine to five of the OL looking for a modern new changes, may wish to consider this knit jacket Slim popular winter. 正扬织带时尚解析:朝九晚五的OL想要寻找摩登新变化,不妨考虑今年秋冬流行的修身针织外套。 16 If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen his ol d friend. 假如他昨天来这儿的话,就会看见他的老朋友。 17 Second, the NEW_OL _LOCAL table function, as you will see later, actually writes to a table. 另外,正如您后面将会看到的,NEW_OL_LOCAL表函数实际上是写一个表。 18 At the core of a DITA task is a series of steps, which can be generalized back to the ordered list class, ol. class. DITA任务的核心是一系列步骤,它们可以被专门化回有序列表类ol.class。 19 Good Ol' Sailor Organic Vodka effectively utilizes a maritime theme, providing the design with a range of vivid pictured marine inhabitants. 水手牌原汁伏特加,有效地利用海洋为主题的设计,生动描绘了一系列海洋居民的生活场景 20 Ol' Moira and most of his crew didn't survive their final voyage, but luckily for me the ship's manifest did. 他和他水手们在他们最后一次航行里有去无回,但对我来说幸运的是这张船的载货单回来了。 21 If those sites are all SaaS applications, then what's the difference between a SaaS application and a plain ol' web site (old school)? 如果这些网站都是SaaS应用的话,那么SaaS应用与那些旧式网站的区别又是什么呢? 22 Yes, that's right. The good 'ol book, in paper form, is still one of the greatest gifts there is. 是的,一本纸质的好书仍是其中一个非常重要的礼物。 23 Results of zeta potential and FTIR measurements show that OL-4 is adsorbed on the surface of calamine principally by chemical reaction. 动电位和红外光谱测试结果表明,阴离子捕收剂OL-4在菱锌矿表面发生化学吸附; 24 Presentation technology was designed to transform plain ol' raw Web content into content wrapped in an attractive presentation layer. 表示技术专门用于将单调粗糙的Web内容转换成带有漂亮的表示层的内容。 25 Look at him hangin' on to his ol' lady. 看看他正和他的老女人鬼混。 26 Also note that, again, the INCLUDE clause has been used, this time to pass the OL_DIST_INFO column up. 还应注意,这里使用了INCLUDE子句,这一次是为了放弃OL_DIST_INFO列。 27 If ye be readin'this, it means that Ol' Captain Sanders is in a watery grave. So my treasure is yours now, ye jest need to follow the clues. 如果有人读到此书,这意味着桑德上尉已经葬身大海,所以我的财富就是你的了,你只需追着线索去寻找。 28 Mr Barbour is a good ol' boy with a fluent southern charm; Mr Daniels glides through Indiana on a Harley. 巴伯先生是一位带有流利的南方口音且魅力无限的好小伙;丹尼斯先生可以骑着哈雷摩托穿越印第安那。 29 My acronym is ATOM and good ol' Atom allows you to organize pretty much any space using four simple steps. 我的方法的别称叫原子,而原子方法可以让你用简单的四步就将几乎所有的空间整理的干净整洁。 30 First, the NEW_OL _LOCAL table function really returns only one row at a time. 首先,NEW_OL_LOCAL表函数实际上一次只返回一行。 大家在看 精益管理培训 阅读 延迟满足 阅读 百燕之家 精益生产培训 大学 scoops bucking 企业管理培训 精益生产培训 香烟价格查询 领导力 醒目造句 沙盘模拟企业经营 楚歌云 初中 升学率 大学 binance交易所app下载 热词推荐 大家在看 LGBT cum 异性恋 形吊灯 拓扑 man , . japan Japanese Fuck nice play Facebook H root baby over you present Copyright © 2019-2024 . 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更新时间:2025-03-28 18:30