1·Subway said that it worked hard to minimize the impact of litter on communities, so it was "still down to the individual customer to dispose of their litter responsibly".
2·Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies.
3·Lastly, what about the decision to dispose of his body at sea?
4·You have no idea how much it takes to dispose batteries. Do yourself a favor.
5·His job is not only to dispose of problems but (also) to meet unexpected challenges.
1·Ford, which continues to believe it can survive without a bail-out, is under less immediate pressure to dispose of Volvo, but would still love to find a buyer.
2·Some hope: Italian bonds are now a badge of shame for Banks who are rushing to dispose of them.
3·She is very distressed by the fact that humans act as if they have a right to "own us", of the animal kingdom, and the fact that you dispose.
4·Michael Pomerleano, an economist who studied their use in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian crisis, says they lessen pressure on banks to dispose of bad assets.
5·One trader wrote on 10 March 2006: "I don't know how we dispose of the slops and I don't imply we would dump them, but for sure, there must be some way to pay someone to take them."
3·If you want to dispose of them, you must shred or tear them up instead of throwing them out with the trash.
4·We will have to dispose of them.
5·In cloning One study, if unusual, flawed human cloning as cloning can not be free to dispose of the animal, which is also a problem.
1·For instance, suppose each test in the class USES a database connection, a network connection, a very large data structure, or some other resource that's expensive to initialize or dispose of.