1·A shuttlecock was a rounded piece of cork with feathers stuck ontop.
2·The oral shield is rounded with a distinct distal lobe.
3·These plants have rounded clusters of white flowers, as the guelder rose and certain species of the arrowwood.
4·The clueless stylings, the flights of fancy into odd shapes, the obsession with square versus rounded -- it is a wonderfully colorful history.
5·There are, of course, strong trends — particularly in the powerful return of outerwear and a new focus on a more womanly and rounded figure.
1·Indeed, there does seem to be a demand for the more rounded leaders such diversity might create.
2·Others think they should get a more rounded education with a substantial number of hours in the arts and humanities.
3·For you, that means more rounded and accurate reviews.
4·It's a nicely rounded experience for the user.
5·The media has more space, with new licences approved for eight publications, including NewsDay, which offers a far more rounded picture than the Zanu-PF-controlled Herald.
1·As a rounded black woman with curly hair, the best I can hope for is moderately attractive.
2·Only the French, with goodness-knows-what writing drills on their small-squared paper, seem still to impose a rounded, open, characterless national hand.
3·His eyes swelled and two streams of water released over his smooth rounded cheeks.
4·Even the primitive recording facilities of 1927 can't obscure Armstrong's rich, rounded tone and the way he ends notes with an evocative shimmer.